Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Family Restaurant

So here we are on a snowy Saturday night.  I'd like to pretend that I did something amazing tonight but if I did, I wouldn't be here typing this blog.  The day started off great because Eco was cancelled.  I like Eco but this was a stressful week.  I needed to sleep in today.  I woke up and saw no snow- even better!  I had a great morning- went to Pop's for breakfast, completed all my errands, made some chocolate chip cookies, and was just heading out to church when it began snowing.  I was hoping to go out to dinner tonight but DJ wimped out, so I went out with my family instead.  The roads were a bit slick while it was snowing.  We didn't want to drive far for a crummy little dinner so we decided to go to The Family restaurant, formerly Eats and Sweets, in that Savin Rock plaza.  We've gone there for breakfast a couple of times.  It's pretty good.  Your basic diner-type place.

When we walked in, an older couple was just paying.  After they left, the place was empty.  I didn't really expect it to be crowded because it was snowing and it's never really busy, but I thought maybe some other church-goers would be there.  I was curious about the dinner foods.  They leave a menu on the table at all times of the day.  I've been curious because they apparently deliver.  They sell pizza and calzones.  Who would've thought?  It's so close to where I live and work, I should think of it more often.  If anyone reading this works at City Hall- give them a call and see if they'll deliver a lunch order.  I would suggest it to my Washington co-workers but unfortunately, we never order out.  (Thinking of Haley.. sniff sniff)  Their menu is pretty basic; they have sandwiches, club sandwiches, wraps, salads subs, some diner-type entrees, pasta dishes, pizza, and calzones.  A nice array of food if you ask me.  They had a few specials tonight.  My mom and I ordered the tuna melt which came with either a cup of soup or fries.  We both ordered a cup of chicken and rice soup.  The soup was piping hot- just the way I like it!  It was good.  It wasn't overly flavorful but nothing that a little s and p couldn't cure.  There were a few chunks of white meat chicken, white rice, carrots, and celery.  I enjoyed it.  The tuna melt was also good.  The tuna salad tasted good.  It was served on rye bread, which I don't really care for, but that was a minor detail.  My mother, who loves rye bread, loved her melt and soup.  My dad got the cheeseburger club with fries and a cup of the chicken and rice soup.  He ate all of his dinner and said that he liked the club.  My brother had a cheeseburger and fries.  He said the fries were excellent and his burger was juicy.  We ordered a couple of sodas and we were done.

It was a simple meal and it fit the bill.  It cost us $35, which I thought was pretty good.  When I went to Chip's with my mom and brother on the snow day I believe it cost the same amount.  The booths look old and it's somewhat dark in there, but I think it's very clean.  I could see the cook sweeping the kitchen floor while we were there.  That made me feel good.  I mean no one was there.  He could have just sat there and no one would know,but he didn't.  I really want to try the pizza.  I think I've complained about the lack of pizza places in a previous post.  It's not just pizza places.  It's the lack of restaurants.  I mean what has happened to all of the nice restaurants that used to be around?  We are being overrun by chains!  I can't take it!  There are no more independent steakhouses.  Let's just think... Food and Beverage- long gone.  Captain's Galley- gone.  Chuck's- burnt.  The Gathering- gone.  Lorenzo's and Biagetti's are good if you're in the mood for Italian, but other than those two, what is a nice restaurant in West Haven?  Jimmies is good, but rundown, I feel.  I love their salad and let's face it, it's the only fish restaurant in West Haven.  And don't even say Turk's.  I love Turk's just as much as the next Westie, but they don't have a tank of lobsters.  They don't have crab.  The only fish dishes they have are either deep fried or it's broiled stuffed sole.  I wish I had more money and more business knowledge because I would love to open my own restaurant.  I don't know if it would be a fish place but it would be nice.  Sorry, just went on a tangent.  

To sum up, The Family Restaurant in the Savin Rock plaza may just be a hidden little treasure.  If you're looking for a breakfast place, a local diner, a place to get affordable food, give it a try.  I didn't try the pizza yet but if I do, I will be sure to write about it.  A small pizza with cheese was $5.95.  Can't go wrong.  And now here I am, sitting here at 8:30, bored, and thinking about food.  That might be the end of me fitting in my dress.  Until my next bite.....  well, probably not my very next bite because that might be sooner than we both think, but until my next restaurant bite...

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