Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day alla Campania

Yesterday was probably the best Valentine's Day I've had.  Although I was disappointed about the snow, it's always nice having the day off.  I spent the morning with my Linds, the afternoon having pizza with Jessi, and then ending the day with a beautiful dinner at Campania with DJ.  Wonderful!  

So quickly, I'll just let you know I went to Jimmy's Apizza in Milford with Jessi for lunch.  The waitress was a doll. I don't know if she's an owner but she's an older lady and was very nice.  I had some lovely birch beer to drink and then Jessi and I split a medium sausage pizza with mooz.  It was divine.  If I didn't know I was going out to dinner that night I would've eaten the entire pizza by myself.  It was fabulous!  I think Jimmy's might be my favorite place.

Now for the dinner.  DJ made reservations for us at 6 at Campania in Branford.  I had been there a while ago once before and I thought it would be the ideal setting for a romantic dinner.  It's right off of exit 55 on that main road there.  It's a small place and might be hard to spot.  There are some condos right behind it which causes an issue with parking but we were able to find a space.  It looks like a little house on the outside.  It's very cute.  I believe they have outdoor seating in the warmer weather.  When you walk in you're right at the bar.  It's a cozy room with a bustling bar.  There are a few tables along the outskirts but most of the seating is down the short staircase.  At first I was worried because they seated us at one of those half tables /half booth in the middle of two other couples.  The waitress had to squeeze in between the tables to take our order and when she was speaking with the other two tables her ass (in red pants) was right at the level of our plates.  Although DJ probably didn't mind, I wasn't too pleased about it.  The tables were quite close and I could hear everything the other people said.  For example, I know that our waitress is the owner's daughter who is now taking the business over with her brothers after seven years.  One brother is the cook, the other the bartender, she was 24 and single.  The people to my right asked her all of these questions.  They also sent back a cosmopolitan because there was too much cranberry juice.  You might be thinking that this ruined my night, but no.  It was so cute and cozy in there that I didn't mind.  The service was quick but I didn't feel rushed.  

When we were seated the busboy brought over some bread, a carafe of water, black olives, Parmesan cheese, and some herbs which I believe were oregano.  I dipped the bread in olive oil with hot pepper and Parmesan sprinkled in the oil.  Fabulous.  The bread was very good and fresh.  I ordered the "Elizabeth Taylor" - prosecco with St. Germain and floating berries.  Ditto fabulous!  We ordered and then were given salads.  The salad wasn't that great, though I don't really love salad.  It was just lettuce with some dressing.  No other vegetables.  I ate some of the olives that were already on the table, but really?  The place is pricey.  They could've at least thrown in a shred of carrot and a cherry tomato.  I ordered the "Gamberi Scamponi" which is shrimp, mushrooms, capers, fresh tomatoes, shallots, marsala over fettucine. It was a hearty portion.  A huge bowl came out with the mushrooms and fettucine and all the other goodies with 5 enormous shrimp on top of them.  I cut the shrimp into bite sized pieces- about three each.  Again I was faced with the issued of the shelled tail.  I hate that.  I really wish I could know why people leave that tail on.  I understand with a cocktail because you have to hold the shrimp with your hand, but in a sauce?  No reason.  DJ ordered chicken florentine which he said was very good.  It must have been good because he cleaned off his plate- spinach and all.  The food was very good.  It was nice to also have a change of scenery.

After dinner we had dessert.  I ordered the affogato.  Which is ice cream with espresso poured over it.  I have to say, it's better at Gabriele's in Orange.  At Gabriele's they have biscotti involved.  This place just gave you ice cream and espresso.  I should've ordered the oysters for an appetizer instead of dessert but oh well.  DJ ordered the tiramisu - which he totally ate and said was good.  He paid the bill and then we left.  All in all, it was a good place.  It is a bit pricey, so save it for special occasions.  It has a certain charm to it and the food is good.  I hope to go back again in the near future.  A lovely, love-filled Valentine's Day!
Until my next bite...

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