Monday, January 21, 2013


Saturday I went with my boyfriend (D.J.) and some friends to Ballou's Wine Bar in Guilford.  A colleague of mine had recommended it to me about a year ago.  I don't know where the time goes.  I have this "bucket list" of places I want to try.  I've made one every year and don't know why I never made it to this place.  As much as I love trying new restaurants, I have some anxiety about going.  I have to be in the mood and not feel pressured.  I hate places that have a certain procedure or lingo you have to follow.  Just make it easy for people to give you business!  I hate being embarrassed, especially in a restaurant.  Actually, I'm surprised I went to Ballou's with such little prior information. 

Anyway, I went there on a Saturday night.  We made reservations and when DJ called, he asked for 7 and the guy told him 7:15.  Now I don't know if he was trying to be funny, but that's what he said.  Looking back on it, I feel like the hostess chuckled when we told her about our reservation at 7:15.  It was a small but nice place.  I think it matches the picture that comes in your head when you say "wine bar."  We were seated in the second room right near the bathroom.  Usually I hate being seated near the bathroom because that horrible restaurant-hand soap-smell always seems to burst out of the restroom.  (Or a terrible shit smell)  On this occasion, it was okay.  Ballou's reminded me of the inside of a house and the bathroom fit that description.  There was only one bathroom as far as I could tell which, in my opinion, is a dangerous move to make in a restaurant that has an entire section of the menu devoted to cheese fondue.

Once we were seated our very friendly waiter came over and asked if we wanted to order our wine.  We all opted to go on a "wine flight."  I chose the rose, DJ a chardonnay, and our friends had a cabernet and a rose.   The flight was a great move.  Three glasses of wine (which is more than enough for me) all for $14.  I felt like I got a glass of wine for free!  The menu was decent.  The had panini, flat bread pizza, wraps, salads, apps, fondue, and some pasta dishes.  Out of all the marvelous choices on the menu I probably chose the dullest of them all.  I've been on a shrimp kick lately.  I really feel like I'm craving a shrimp caesar wrap from Oyster River but needless to say, I ordered the shrimp and gruyere panini as soon as I read the word "shrimp."  I wish there had been more stuff on the panini because it was just like eating a boring French grilled cheese with some shrimp.  It was good.  But by the fourth bite the flavor had been played out.  It was served with some greens that probably don't get eaten by most people but I ate every last one of them.  On my fifth bite I scanned the other items on the table and after looking at each plate I said, "oo I should've gotten that," in my head.  I commonly second guess my order after I see everyone's plate.  Damn shrimp.  I ate about 3/4 of the sandwich which helped to give the wine the little extra kick it needed.  The waiter was nice and checked on us a few times.

After everyone finished their meal, we ordered dessert.  We ordered this chocolate peanut butter fondue that came with bananas, strawberries, rice krispy treats, and pound cake.  Delish.  I wish I had ordered about three of those instead of the damn shrimp panini.  Hopefully these blogs will also help me from repeating past mistakes.  While we were there a guy was playing music.  It was a nice atmosphere.  Like a cozy local pub on a cold winter night.  I would love to try this place again.  If the food fails next time then I'll know to just go there for the chocolate and wine, which is reason enough.  It seems as though they have a cool outdoor setup when warmer weather arrives.  Before I went home I needed to make a quick stop because I was still a bit hungry. McNuggets are my savior.  Whenever you need a quick pick me up- a nice 4 piece is always the way to go.  I'm a purist.  I don't get any sauce with my nuggs.  It would be ideal to have Wendy's sweet and sour sauce with McNuggets but this was not the night for that.  The nuggets were stunning.  If ever I have a bad meal, I'll salvage it with a nugget run.  I hope to return to Ballou's in the near future.  If I do, I'll let you know.  Until my next bite....

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