Thursday, July 4, 2013


In an unsuccessful attempt to avoid the mayhem caused by the 3rd of July in West Haven, DJ and I ventured to Cheshire for dinner.  We had originally decided to go to Grand Apizza of Cheshire and then to Cheshire Coffee, but when we arrived to Grand Apizza we were shocked to see that all of the businesses in that small area were out of business.  I used my Yelp app to see what else was in the area.  Quite a few places came up but I had already prepared myself for Italian, so we decided to give Vespucci's a try.  I also wanted to try Rossini's but they were closed that day.  Vespucci's was a bit odd to me.  It was this tiny, cute building that stood alone behind the Stop and Shop plaza.  The pizza boxes were lined up, blocking the windows in back.  We walked in and to the left was the take-out area and to the right were booths and tables.  We were seated very close to the door so I really didn't get a good feel of what the main dining area was like.

Our waitress was nice and took our drink order while we decided what we were going to eat.  Pizza or a dinner?  It's always a tough decision for me.  I always like to look at the people around me to see what they are eating before I decide.  Unfortunately, everyone around me had just recently placed their order.  The menu had a few pasta dishes, chicken, beef, seafood, veal, and baked dishes.  Although that sounds like a lot of choices, it really wasn't.  Nothing really jumped out at me.  Everything was simple- eggplant parm, lasagna, linguini and clams, spaghetti and meatballs, shrimp fra diavolo, chicken francese, steak- you get it.  DJ wasn't going to order a dinner so I would have felt out of place if I did and he got a sub.  We both decided that we would get our own pizzas.  It really does upset me that we don't see eye to eye in the pizza world.

DJ ordered the Hawaiian pizza and I ordered one of the specialty pizzas.  I chose the pizza Romana.  It had shrimp, roasted red peppers, prosciutto, mozzarella, and a mild hot sauce.  Sounds delicious, right?  Not exactly.  I should know by now not to order pizza in towns too far from the center of West Haven.  The shrimp, first of all, were those teeny tiny shrimp that come out of a can.  That right there skeeved me out.  The prosciutto was a nice touch but my biggest complaint is with the lack of sauce.  This was not spicy at all.  There was no spicy sauce, no hot sauce, or tomato sauce.  This pizza was as dry as a scarecrow in Indian summer.  I ate a few slices (I have a weakness for pizza) but I was very disappointed with my choice.  Meanwhile the two booths across from us were served these dishes that looked divine.  One had scallops, one had steak.  It looked great.  DJ liked his but I mean when you order a pizza like that, obviously you don't have high standards.

I wouldn't quite yet put Vespucci's on the "never again list" but I will keep you posted.  I'd like to go back and try some of the dinners.  This is definitely on the list of "never order pizza".  It wasn't just the toppings that made me dislike it.  The crust was odd.  It was thin, but it wasn't.  It was so dry and tasteless.  Just terrible pizza.  Just terrible.

We then went to the movies in Wallingford and still needed to kill some time before we attempted to head back to WH.  DJ had the idea of going to Sonic for some ice cream.  We parked in the drive up section and had some shakes.  I had the peanut butter cookie shake and DJ had the Oreo.  Both were very good.  I was impressed by how many frozen treats Sonic offered.  I've eaten the regular food there before.  It's ok.  It's mediocre fast food.  When Sonic first opened, it was so difficult to get a spot to park.  I guess the food is what turned everyone away because otherwise, it's a cool place to visit.  Great limeades.  We left and easily made it to West Haven.  Once we actually arrived in the city, it must have taken me a half hour to get home.  We were constantly redirected by police. We had to do a complete roundabout and could only get near the beach from Savin Ave.  It was terrible.  The amount of people out on the streets was absurd.  I now have  a smaller radius in my house search.

To sum up- Skip Vespucci's, especially for pizza, Go to Sonic only if you're in the area, and the 3rd of July remains my least favorite day of the year.  Until my next bite...

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