Saturday, May 18, 2013

Piada Italian Kitchen

So today I was driving down the Post Road with DJ doing some shopping when we started to get a little hungry.  I assumed we were going to get some sort of fast food but as we were driving by Piada Italian Kitchen, we decided to give it a whirl.  It is located in the former location of Village Bagels.  We walked in and it was quite different.  It doesn't look like Village Bagels at all.  It reminded me more of an Ikea creation.  The people working there were quite friendly.  They all seemed very chipper and proud of their business.  They were also helpful with ordering.  Piada is not your typical place.  It's kind of like Subway meets Sbarro meets Moe's.

You start off choosing what type of meal you want; you can order a piada wrap, a salad, or a pasta bowl.  Both DJ and I ordered a piada wrap.  Once you choose that, you then choose your protein.  I chose to get porchetta and DJ chose grilled chicken.  The other proteins they have are: steak, sausage, tofu, and salmon.  I think they also had meatballs today.  After you choose the protein, you choose a sauce/dressing.  I chose the tomato and DJ chose the alfredo.  The next step is to choose toppings.  My whole piada consisted of porchetta, spinach, tomato sauce, peppers and onions, sauteed mushrooms, olives, and fresh mozzarella pearls.  DJ had some crap.  I don't even know.  I think spinach and tomatoes or something.  He does not have his own food blog.  Never go by what he orders.

Then after your meal is complete you can get a side soup, salad, or dip and piada chips.  I chose to get nothing else.  They have these cool Italian sodas.  I don't know what makes them Italian, other than the fact that they are labeled "Romano's Italian Soda."  I had a cream, DJ had a peach.  They have other varieties of Italian soda, fountain soda, wine, beer, and juice.  I thought it had a nice selection.

We sat at a table near the window.  It was roomy in there.  I have to say my piada was delish.  I am a big fan of pork and this, was wonderful.  It was shredded, tender, and tasty.  I loved the combination of flavors I chose and that's what makes Piada a good place.  You can pretty much choose what you want to do.  It has every type of meat you could want, a pasta, a salad, or a wrap.  My piada was packed with food.  It was very messy though.  I wrote on the comment card that they should cut the piada in half.  The sauce makes it so drippy.  Despite the mess, I thought it was fabulous.  DJ said he liked his as well.  While we were eating a man, I'm assuming the owner, asked how we liked everything.  I thought that was great.  You could tell that the people in this place want it to be successful.  I even like the fact that they had comment cards on all of the tables.  I think I'll go back next week.  I highly recommend!  Until my next bite!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Outback Takeout

This morning I woke up with my eyes stuck together.  Apparently, I have pink eye in both of my eyes.  Just when you think things couldn't get any worse.  DJ and I had other plans tonight but my hideous eyes prevented us from going out anywhere.  Instead of getting normal takeout we decided to get something a little better.  Granted, in my last post I just said that Texas Roadhouse was better than Outback but in the world of takeout, Outback may just be a bit better.  I love Texas takeout but Outback is so convenient.

I ordered our stuff online.  So nice when you don't have to talk to people.  We ordered a couple of burgers tonight.  In this category, Outback wins.  I had the bloomin' burger which consisted of a seasoned burger, American cheese, lettuce, tomato, bloomin onion petals, and the sauce.  Fabulous!  The burger was cooked perfectly and tasted great!  Absolutely delicious.  Instead of French fries I had a side salad with the mustard vinaigrette dressing.  I like that you can choose another side for no additional charge.  I think the only side choice that has an additional is the grilled asparagus.  DJ ordered the classic cheeseburger- a burger with American cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and mustard.  He got the fries.  Our burgers came with complimentary silverware and brown bread.

I didn't even tell you the best part yet.  If you haven't done Outback takeout, you're definitely missing out.  So I placed the order online, it gave us a pick up time within 20 minutes, and you have to give the model and color of the car.  When you arrive at Outback, they have special spaces reserved for takeout.  Within a few moments a waitress will come to your car, give you your food, and make change.  I think it's the best thing.  Go in your jammies, ugly sweats, slippers.  All you contacts wearers can wear your glasses without having to feel ashamed.  There is no leaving the car whatsoever.  When I've done this in the past, I have the waitress put the stuff in the backseat.  So convenient and so tasty!  I highly recommend!!!!!!  

Texas Roadhouse Catering

So this week that just passed was Teacher Appreciation Week.  On Thursday, my principal bought lunch for the Washington staff.  I wasn't sure what he was going to get; I assumed he would order pasta and meatballs but I was pleasantly surprised when I went to the staff room (and not by the extra people in the staff room).  He ordered a tray of their house salad (with ranch dressing), chicken caesar salad, pulled pork, and rolls.

Of course I had a little of everything.  I think it's wonderful that Texas Roadhouse caters.  I love TRH.  Some people don't like it but I think it is so much better than Outback, or any other chain steakhouse.  I like their salad.  It does have egg in it, so if you don't like hard boiled eggs, don't get it.  The chicken caesar salad was also very tasty.  The grilled strips of chicken were a nice size.  Some places have that gross chicken, like the perdue shortcuts, and some places barely have any chicken.  TRH has large pieces of chicken spread throughout.  The pulled pork was wonderful.  The pork was so flavorful and tender.  I suppose if you wanted to you could've put the pork on the rolls, but then you don't get to use the sweet butter.  Very very good.

That was the best lunch I've ever had at Washington.  The Roly Poly we had the next day was gross.  All veggies, little meat, and what meat there was was all slimey.  Next time you want to throw a party and don't know who you should have cater it... consider Texas Roadhouse.  Thanks, Mr. Lopes.  Until my next bite...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Denny's- Westbrook

On Sunday I did some heavy duty outlet shopping with my cousins.  We went to Westbrook first.  While shopping, we worked up quite an appetite.  We aren't too familiar with the area so we just decided to go to Denny's right near the outlet entrance.  The place was packed.  I was so surprised because it was 2:30 on a Sunday afternoon.  That would be a great spot to open up another restaurant.... maybe a healthier alternative.

We walked in and immediately the nose curled up.  It was your typical thought of Denny's.  Apparently, wherever you happen to be in this world, Denny's is Denny's.  It was too late to look for somewhere else to go, and we were starving.  They have this special bacon menu.  Everything you could imagine with bacon- brownies, sandwiches, ice cream, eggs, salads, pancakes, everything!  I think there were even shakes.  I didn't really look at that much because I'm not really a fan of breakfast meats.

The regular menu was decent.  They have a wide variety of choices.  I was also impressed by the fact that they had some healthy selections on the menu.  (Remember, planning a wedding over here.  Trying to watch what I eat)  We all started out getting the Cali something or other turkey burger, but then I ended up being the only one to actually order it.  The turkey burger had a salsa type thing (I want to say pico de gallo?) avocado, jalapenos, and some type of sauce.  It was good.  You are also given a choice of side- fries or fresh veggies and yes folks, I chose the veggies.  It was great!  A little cup of carrot sticks, celery sticks, and cucumbers were given with a tiny shot of ranch dressing.  I loved it.  I was full, but yet I wasn't bloated.  Very good.  Catherine ordered the grilled chicken avocado sandwich.  She enjoyed it. It was basically the same as my burger, except it was with a piece of grilled  chicken.  Lindsey and Judy both had a burger.  They both enjoyed.

The food was fine but the wait was terrible.  The waitress almost broke down in tears after we asked her how much longer on the food.  Eventually the food came.  For a trip at Denny's, it was fine.  I like that they have a handful of healthy options and I love the fresh veggie option.  If you are hungry, near the outlets, and don't know where to go, it's good enough.  If you're in a hurry or it's near Christmas time, don't go there.  You'll be there for the rest of the year. 

I've cut down on my bites because I'm trying to eat healthier but if anyone knows of a healthy place to eat out, let me know and I'll give it a try.  I believe there's a new restaurant, Piada Italian Kitchen, in Milford that I want to check out.  Until  my next bite...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gusto's - Milford

Saturday night DJ and I went to dinner with our friends, Dan and Dana.  We wanted to splurge a little, go somewhere different, and have a good meal.  That brought us to Gusto's on the Post Road way out in Milford.  I assumed that it was going to be crowded so I had DJ make reservations.  I think it was completely unnecessary.  There were a few larger parties, but there were still plenty of tables available. They just recently added a new screened in patio which looked very nice.  It has glass walls, which may be able to be removed when the warmer weather arrives.  The restaurant is very nice.  Nice linens, clean atmosphere, bright.

The waitress we had was very odd.  She rubbed me the wrong way and she ended up being not-too-good. One of the collectors at my church is a waiter there.  I wish I had him.  Anyway, we decided to start with an app.  We had fried calamari.  It was very breaded.  Not like that light batter that's normally on fried calamari, more of bread crumb.  It was good.  It came with tartar sauce (yuck) and a very spicy, thick tomato sauce.  It was good but be ready for the spice.  A little too thick for me.  I like Gusto's but I have to be honest.  It was like tomato paste with red pepper flakes all throughout it.  For dinner I had the Orecchiette Provenciale: shrimp, asparagus, fresh tomatoes and capers in a white butter wine sauce. Orecchiette (pasta that looks like an ear or sometimes referred to as little hats) It was very good and very filling.  It came with 4 or 5 very large shrimp and a nice balance of asparagus and capers.  I would have liked it more if it was served over spaghetti or a stringy-type pasta, but it was still good.  Dana had Paglia e Fieno: prosciutto, lobster meat, peas in a lobster bisque sauce.  This was served over, what looked like, a tri colored angel hair.  That would have been way too rich for me, but Dana said that it was delicious.  It did look good.  Dan had Vitello Ortolano: scaloppini of veal with eggplant, prosciutto, mushroom in a red sauce topped with mozzarella.  He loved everything minus the mushrooms.  And now for DJ...

He ordered the filet mignon, but the waitress brought him veal chops.  She came over and said "Okay, veal chops."  She was met with confused, blank stares.  She began to get a little panicky.  DJ knew Dan had ordered veal so he thought that was what Dan ordered, but no.  He told her that he did not order veal chops.  She seemed surprised by this..  She said, "You didn't order the veal chops?"  DJ said, "No, I ordered the filet."  She said, "What?  Filet of what?" He said, "Filet Mignon."  She did apologize and the steak came out soon after, but how do you get veal chop out of filet Mignon?  And then when he said "filet" she said "filet of what?"  Sole.  I mean give me a break here.  And veal is not something that you can just tough it out with.  It's not like chicken.  It's a politically incorrect meat.

After the little hiccup was corrected, we continued to have a nice meal.  At dessert time, I was a little full.  I just ordered a coffee.  DJ and Dan both had the cannoli cake.  It looked delicious.  A layer of chocolate and then a layer of the cannoli filling.  It looked fabulous, but way way too rich for me.  This leads me to another thought- my old Haley lunch crew had a debate about cannoli.  I feel like a cannoli is supposed to have mini chocolate chips in it.  Some agreed (I think Joe) and others disagreed.  What do you think??  Please comment!

Overall, a good meal was had by all.  It wasn't the best meal I ever had but it was very good.  I think the waitress put a damper on my night.  I will definitely go back there again until I have a Lisiano moment.  (God forbid)  I'm thinking of it as a possible shower site.  Any thoughts??  Until my next bite.... (Which will be soon... tune in for a review of Denny's in Westbrook.)