Saturday, May 18, 2013

Piada Italian Kitchen

So today I was driving down the Post Road with DJ doing some shopping when we started to get a little hungry.  I assumed we were going to get some sort of fast food but as we were driving by Piada Italian Kitchen, we decided to give it a whirl.  It is located in the former location of Village Bagels.  We walked in and it was quite different.  It doesn't look like Village Bagels at all.  It reminded me more of an Ikea creation.  The people working there were quite friendly.  They all seemed very chipper and proud of their business.  They were also helpful with ordering.  Piada is not your typical place.  It's kind of like Subway meets Sbarro meets Moe's.

You start off choosing what type of meal you want; you can order a piada wrap, a salad, or a pasta bowl.  Both DJ and I ordered a piada wrap.  Once you choose that, you then choose your protein.  I chose to get porchetta and DJ chose grilled chicken.  The other proteins they have are: steak, sausage, tofu, and salmon.  I think they also had meatballs today.  After you choose the protein, you choose a sauce/dressing.  I chose the tomato and DJ chose the alfredo.  The next step is to choose toppings.  My whole piada consisted of porchetta, spinach, tomato sauce, peppers and onions, sauteed mushrooms, olives, and fresh mozzarella pearls.  DJ had some crap.  I don't even know.  I think spinach and tomatoes or something.  He does not have his own food blog.  Never go by what he orders.

Then after your meal is complete you can get a side soup, salad, or dip and piada chips.  I chose to get nothing else.  They have these cool Italian sodas.  I don't know what makes them Italian, other than the fact that they are labeled "Romano's Italian Soda."  I had a cream, DJ had a peach.  They have other varieties of Italian soda, fountain soda, wine, beer, and juice.  I thought it had a nice selection.

We sat at a table near the window.  It was roomy in there.  I have to say my piada was delish.  I am a big fan of pork and this, was wonderful.  It was shredded, tender, and tasty.  I loved the combination of flavors I chose and that's what makes Piada a good place.  You can pretty much choose what you want to do.  It has every type of meat you could want, a pasta, a salad, or a wrap.  My piada was packed with food.  It was very messy though.  I wrote on the comment card that they should cut the piada in half.  The sauce makes it so drippy.  Despite the mess, I thought it was fabulous.  DJ said he liked his as well.  While we were eating a man, I'm assuming the owner, asked how we liked everything.  I thought that was great.  You could tell that the people in this place want it to be successful.  I even like the fact that they had comment cards on all of the tables.  I think I'll go back next week.  I highly recommend!  Until my next bite!

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