Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day has never been a day that I liked.  As I've said before, I'm not a sweets type of person.  I like chocolate but I don't go crazy over it.  I'm not a fan of the candy, I don't like those little chalky hearts, and I don't care for a box of Russell Stover's.  I never liked passing out Valentines at school, I hated sending out a carnation to your secret love, and because I've been a single girl more often than a taken girl, Valentine's Day, to me, was always total bullshit.  Now that I have my love, I still find the day to be total bullshit.  I find a card out of the blue, or a surprise bouquet of flowers to be much more romantic than a gift on Valentine's Day.  But because it is what it is, DJ and I followed tradition and went out and celebrated.

Last year DJ and I had just started to date around the time of Valentine's Day.  We had only met a few days before so we went to Chip's for dinner.  Now that we have been dating for a year, we still went to Chip's.  It was more of a nostalgic thing, not an insulting thing.  Anywho, we ate at Chip's.  Now I love Chip's.  I've been going there for years.  I went there before the current owner, George Something Greek, bought the place.  Normally I go there for breakfast; however, I enjoy their lunch choices as well.  Lindsey, Cat, Connor, and I go there whenever there is a day off, a snow day, or some other catastrophic event occurs.  This time I ordered the steak and cheese wrap with sweet potato fries.  Pretty good.  They used to have a steak peppercorn panini that was out of this world but they took it off their menu.  There are mostly chicken choices now.  The cheese melted more toward the bottom of the wrap so the first few bites were plain.  Then it had a smell to it, so I had to stop eating.  I have a strong sense of smell which is good if I'm in a burning building but when I'm living my daily life, it can be a problem.  DJ had the golfer's panini, which I've had before.  That is very good.  Grilled chicken breast, mooz, and now I forget, tomato and bacon?  The chipotle chicken panini is good as well.  The two are similar but the chipotle is more spicy and has a breaded piece of chicken.  I had my traditional beverage option of a coffee and a water.

The best part was the dessert.  For dessert we ordered a short stack of the white chocolate rendezvous pancakes.  Let me just type that word again- rendezvous.  Ooo I love it.  What a great word.  The pancakes had macadamia nuts and white chocolate chips in it and then on top was a mound of fresh cut strawberries.  Delicious.  I highly recommend them.  I was a little upset that they had no Valentine specials on the menu.  Today on facebook it says that they had red velvet pancakes but I was there on Valentine's Day.  If that was a special, it was not communicated.  Chip's is wonderful.  Wonderful eggs, pancakes, bacon, wraps, panini, but I don't like their physical menu.  Chip's boasts 40 flavors of pancakes but only about 12 are listed.  I would have liked to order the alleged "Valentine red velvet pancakes" but I'm telling you on that night, there was no mention of them. 

After our meal we went to the movies.  It was the best Valentine's Day I ever had.  It could have been a smidge better if I didn't get the steak and cheese wrap, but it wasn't that bad.  I've been a little delayed with writing about my bites so until the next time, happy tasting!

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